You can incur high operating costs if your pool is not maintained correctly. Like motor vehicles, pools and hot tubs need to be maintained. It is important to associated pool builders maintain them in a safe manner and keep them looking nice. You will have problems if you do not maintain your pool regularly.

1. Check the Water Chemistry Weekly

Test your water. This is the most common mistake made when it comes to pool maintenance.

I would recommend that you use test strips because they are quick and accurate. Test for pH levels, free chlorine and cyanuric acid.

Once you have detected an imbalance in the water, you should act quickly to correct the problem. If your pool is not corrected, it can quickly deteriorate and allow bacteria and algae to flourish.

Preventing an issue will always cost less than fixing one. By following a pool care program, you can lower your swimming pool operation costs.

2. Shower Before Swimming In Your Pool

The skin on our bodies is contaminated with dirt, sweat, hairs, and pharmaceuticals. All the dirt, sweat and other contaminants will wash off your body in the pool if it is not washed before. This extra dirt will cause the water to be contaminated with chlorine.

Ask anyone who is using your pool, to shower quickly with soap. This will remove all sweat and pharmaceutical products. The water will quickly dissolve cosmetics and creams. This will reduce the need for additional chemicals and filters and keep your pool clean for longer.

3. Clean your filter regularly

Swimming pool filters get dirty very fast, particularly during the summer months when the pool will be in use. Filters can become dirty and reduce the flow of water in the filtration system, which will make the pump work more than usual.

The filter has a gauge that indicates the pressure inside the unit when the pump runs. When the water pressure inside the filter increases beyond a threshold, the filter will need to be cleaned.

To improve your filtration system, reduce your need for chemicals and to keep your water pure, clean your filter more regularly.

4. Blow off the Pool Surfaces

Surfaces of pools accumulate calcium scales, dirt and algae.

The automatic cleaners are not always effective in removing dirt. The manual brushing of the walls using a pool brush mounted on a pole is essential.

Brush the pool surface as part of regular maintenance. Be sure to clean all around the steps, ladders and corners. With a little extra effort, you can have a cleaner swimming pool that will not be infested with algae or other contaminants.

5. Add Chemicals At Night

Heat and ultraviolet light can harm pool chemicals. Smart people will only add chemicals after the sun goes down. The chemicals are allowed to do their work throughout the night, without having them destroyed by sunlight. For at least several hours, run the pump to circulate the chemicals and mix them in.

6. Filter the data during non-peak times

For off-peak electric power, you should connect all swimming pool pump to a separate meter. Off-peak power generally occurs outside of peak hours (6am to 9am, and 4pm to 9.30pm). You will save hundreds of pounds every year if you use off-peak electric power.

7. Purchase a Cover

Your swimming pool costs will be reduced by using less water, chemicals and electricity.

The purpose of pool covers is to keep debris and leaves out of your pool. A pool cover will help reduce water loss and preserve the chemicals in your pool.

8. Install a Variable speed Pump

With the advent of variable speed pumps, swimming pool pump technology has advanced. These pumps adjust the speed of their operation to the work load needed to run the filter. The variable speed pumps will help you save electricity and reduce your pool costs.

9. Install a Glass Pool Barrier

A glass fence around the swimming pool can protect it from wind that could cool the water surface. These types of fences can also prevent debris such as leaves and other objects from blowing directly into the pool.

Many people have chosen to install glass fences because they love its stylish, modern appearance. These fences make the landscape of a backyard look more appealing and can add value to your home.

10. Install LED Lighting

LED lights are 80% more energy efficient than the old incandescent bulb, so you can reduce your electricity bills. LEDs offer many benefits, including a brighter light that’s easier on the eye and less heat. The bulbs are typically smaller and easier for you to install. They also have a much longer life span. LED lights are capable of lasting over 15-years before they need to be replaced.