Spilling nail varnish on your carpet is not a pleasant experience, but painting nails is an enjoyable way to express yourself find out. You can have your carpet restored to its original condition by the carpet cleaning northshore. The following methods can be used to clean up liquid spills such as nail polish.

How to Remove Canned Nail Polish

If you have a liquid spill, it is much easier to clean than if the stain has dried. If you have the right equipment, it’s still possible.

The following are the items you will require:

The nail paint can be removed with a dull knife, spoon or even a blunted fork.

One that dissolves nail paint based on acetone.

Use a white clean towel.

-Something you can use to wash your carpet.

Use a fresh sponge, rag or cloth.

Then, with a dull-edged knife or a spoon, remove all traces of nail varnish.

Step 2 Dab the area with nail polish removal on a clean white cloth or paper towels. Avoid rubbing the stain while you blot.

Repeat this process until all the stains are gone. You may need a few tries before you succeed.

If the stain can be removed, then clean the area by using a carpeting cleaning solution with a clean cloth.

Clearing Up Nail Polish Dripping

If you accidentally spill wet nails on your carpet or rug, it is important to remove the stain as quickly as possible. Otherwise, the stain will dry and become permanent.

The following are the items you’ll be needing:

-Something that can be used to wipe up any spillage. This could be paper towels, or even a clean, dry cloth.

-An item for cleaning carpets.

Use a fresh sponge, rag or cloth.

Then use paper toweling or a cloth to absorb all the liquid you can.

The second thing to do is apply the carpet cleansing solution with a sponge or clean cloth.

Next, carefully wipe off the spill until all traces of it are gone.

The fourth stage is to wash and dry the area using a clean, soft towel.
Ultra Brite Carpet & Tile Cleaning North Shore
79-83 Longueville Road, Lane Cove NSW 2066
(02) 8015 5143